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Korea Fund of Funds

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Korea Fund of Funds?

  • Korea Fund of Funds (KFoF) was established in 2005 based on the “Special Measures for the Promotion of Venture Businesses Act,” for the purpose of providing a stable capital source for venture investment. KFoF does not distribute the dividends during its fund duration but reinvest returns reflecting the market demands on an annual budget allocation.
  • For policy efficiency, the government provides the capital and KVIC, FoF management specialist, handles the investment decisions.

KFoF (Korea Fund of Funds) Operation Structure

KFoF (Korea Fund of Funds) Operation Structure
  • Investors(SBC, MCST, KIPO, KOFIC, MSIT, ME, MOE, MOEL, MHW, KSPO, MOE, ME, MOF, MOLIT) → Commit to KFoF(Korea Fund of Funds)
  • KFof(Korea Fund of Funds) → Commit to Partnership Funds → Invest to SME Venture Companies
  • Ministry of SMEs and Startups ← Guidelines on KFoF Management → Submit KFoF management plans Report on KFoF perfomance Establish and amend KFoF management plans(Investment Management Comittee → Fund Management Company(KVIC)) → Manage KFoF(Korea Fund of Funds)

KFoF (Korea Fund of Funds) Overview

KFoF (Korea Fund of Funds) Overview - Composed of Initial Organization, Limited Partners, Fund Size, Fund Duration, Investment Areas, Fund Management
Initial Organization July 15, 2005
Limited Partners
  • MSS (Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
  • KOSME (Korea SMEs and Startups Agency)
  • MCST (Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism)
  • KIPO (Korean Intellectual Property Office)
  • KOFIC (Korea Film Council)
  • MSIT (Ministry of Science and ICT)
  • KCC (Korea Communications Commission)
  • MOEL (Ministry of Employment and Labor)
  • MOHW (Ministry of Health and Welfare)
  • KSPO (Korea Sports Promotion Foundation)
  • MOE (Ministry of Education)
  • ME (Ministry of Enviroment)
  • MOF (Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries)
  • MOLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport)
Fund Size 6.8 Billion (as Dec. 2022)
Fund Duration 30 years (2005-2035)
Investment Areas
Start-ups, Venture companies, SMEs and etc.
(MSCT Account)
Projects and companies in Cultural Industries (Act on The Promotion of Cultural Industries).
(KIPO Account)
Companies applying or commercializing IP (Invention Promotion Act).
(KCC Account)
Projects and companies in Broadcasting and Telecommunication Industries (Broadcasting Act, Telecommunications Business Act, Internet Multimedia Broadcast Services Act).
(KOFIC Account)
Korean Films and etc.
Fund Management KVIC (Korea Venture Investment Corporation)