Achieve policy goals through KFoF Govemment(LPs) Pursue policy goals of Government LPs Provide investment capital for industrial promotion, job creation, and support for SMEs and venture companies Commitment toKFoF Profitsharing Korea Fund of Funds Manage KFoF according to LP’s guidelines Maintain independence for each LP through operating separate accounts Maximize Fund of Funds effect through indirect investment Leverage Effect: X 4 Balance between public interest and profit Partnership Funds(VCF, PEF, etc) Management of Partnership Funds by GPs Approx. 107 new funds created each year, with maturity of 6-8 years. Invest in innovative technology projects, start-ups, and unlisted SMEs. Investment incompanies Return oninvestment SMEs,Venture Companies Increase in corporate values with the growth of SMEs and venture companie Realize profits from returns on investment capitals Retrieval of fund capitals KOSDAQ (sales of shares), M&A, off-board market, etc.