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Job Creation Fund

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Job Creation Fund?

  • Job Creation Fund is funded by KoFC (Korea Finance Corporation) to invest in SMEs and venture companies in a growth stage with high job-creation potential. Managed by KVIC, the fund is organized in a form of KVF (Korea Venture Fund) based on Special Measures for Promotion of Venture Businesses Act.
  • In a FoF structure, Job Creation Fund indirectly invests in SMEs and venture companies through Partnership Funds.

Structure of Job Creation Fund

Structure of Job Creation Fund
  • KFoF (KVIC) Capital Commitment → Job Creation Fund (managed by KVIC) Job Creation Fund (managed by KVIC) Dividends → KFoF (KVIC) KoFC Capital Commitment → Job Creation Fund (managed by KVIC) Job Creation Fund (managed by KVIC) Dividends → KoFC Job Creation Fund (managed by KVIC) Capital Commitment → Job Creation Partnership Funds (managed by private VC firms) Job Creation Partnership Funds (managed by private VC firms) Dividends → Job Creation Fund (managed by KVIC) Job Creation Partnership Funds (managed by private VC firms) Capital Commitment → Penstion Funds Private Investors Penstion Funds Private Investors Dividends → Job Creation Partnership Funds (managed by private VC firms) Job Creation Partnership Funds (managed by private VC firms) → SMEs SMEs → Job Creation Partnership Funds (managed by private VC firms)

Job Creation Fund Overview

(as of the end of December 2022, unit:USD million)

Job Creation Fund Overview - Composed of Created in, Fund scale, No. of Partnership Funds, Fund capitals, Investment areas, Fund Duration
Job Creation Fund I Job Creation Fund II
Created in June 21, 2010 October 12, 2011
Fund scale 100 89
No. of Partnership
8 8
Fund capitals 210.8 139.2
Investment areas
  • SMEs and venture companies for job creation
  • SMEs and venture companies in Next Generation Growth Engine industries
  • SMEs and venture companies for job creation
  • SMEs and venture companies for municipal economic development
Fund Duration 9 years 9 years