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  • 2022
    • 12 Daegu·jeju·Gwangju Regional Innovation Venture Fund was established
    • 08 Regional Venture Capital Center opened(Busan)
    • 03 Established Venture Financing Research Center
    • 01 Korea Fund of Funds reached 8 trillion won
    Global Milestones
    • 03 FVCIF RFP opened (100 billion won)
  • 2021
    • 11 Busan Regional Innovation Venture Fund(30.4 bilion won)
    • 10 Chungcheong Regional Innovation Venture Fund(Water Industry Fund) was formed (30.5billion won)
    • 06 Job Creation Growth Support Fund II was formed (20.5billion won)
    • 01 Korea Fund of Funds reached 7 trillion won
    Global Milestones
    • 11 Hosted ADB Asia-Pacific Idea Contest
    • 10 Arranged 20 online IR pitching to global VC
    • 08 2nd FVCIF RFP opened (70.5 billion won)
      23 Applicants, 10 Selected, Minimum target fund size : $869M, FVCIF commitments: 58.2M
    • 03 1st FVCIF RFP opened (70 billion won)
      27 Applicants, 10 Selected, Minimum target fund size : $817.8M, FVCIF commitments: : 62.5M
  • 2020
    • 08 Designated as statutory organization(other public institutions)
    • 02 Established legal grounds of KVIC(Venture Investment Promotion Act Article 66)
    • 01 Korea Fund of Funds reached 5 trillion won
    Global Milestones
    • 10 Hosted 2020 FVCIF Annual Meeting
  • 2019
    • 09 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Joined(as an LP of KfoFs)
    • 01 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Joined(as an LP of KfoFs)
  • 2018
    • 06 Korea Fund of Funds reached 4 trillion Won
  • 2017
    • 08 Korea Fund of Funds reached 3 trillion Won
    • 05 Ministry of Education started to participate in Korea Fund of Funds
    • 04 Ministry of Environment started to participate in Korea Fund of Funds
  • 2016
    • 10 Launched Venture Investment Comprehensive System (VICS)
    • 06 Foreign VC Investment Fund reached 1 trillion Won
  • 2015
    • 08 Korea Venture Investment Center (KVIC Singapore Branch) opened
    • 07 Hold “Vision Proclamation Ceremony” Greeting 10th Anniversary) of the Founding
    • 06 Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (KSPO) started to participate in Korea FoF as an LP
  • 2014
    • 06 Korea Venture Investment Center (China) opened
  • 2013
    • 08 Ministry of Health & Welfare (MHW) started to participate in Korea FoF as an LP
    • 08 Korea Venture Investment Center (U.S.A) opened
  • 2012
    • 06 SME M&A Matching Fund was formed (30.5 billion won)
  • 2011
    • 12 Korea Fund of Funds reached 1.4 trillion won
    • 05 Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) started to participate in Korea FoF as an LP
  • 2010
    • 06 Korea Film Council and Korea Communications Commission started to participate in Korea FoF
  • 2009
    • 09 Korea Fund of Funds reached 1 trillion won
  • 2007
    • 04 KVIC office moved to Seocho-Gu
  • 2006
    • 06 Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST)and Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) started to participate in Korea FoF
  • 2005
    • 06 Korea Fund of Funds was formed
    • 06 Korea Venture Investment Corp. (KVIC) was established as a specialized management company for Korea FoF
  • 2004
    • 12 Special Measures for Promotion of Venture Business Act was amended to provide the basis of Korea Fund of Funds